Modern pieces of Coalport are clearly marked. What is less well known is that the Factory also used marks that imitated other factories, particularly in the early 19th Century. Coalport also absorbed other factories and incorporated their marks in its own – including the crescent moon used on Salopian ware by Caughley and the S and N of Swansea and Natgarw
I have a China teacup and saucer with a crude bell-shaped mark with two horizontal lines within the bell. Is it Coalport?
Without seeing a photo of the mark and the cup and saucer (to see the style, texture and shape), it is difficult to say. However, as you have described it, it could easily be Royal Vienna – or from an associated Austrian Porcelain maker… In which case you need to research beehive marks – hope this helps
I have what I believe to be a Coalport cup and saucer with an indented HL10. The 10 is beneath the letters HL and it’s on the saucer. Both the cup and saucer also have a number printed in gold which is 13598. Can you tell me any more about it. I’ve searched the web and found absolutely nothing.
Many thanks
I have three coalport figurines all with no name, but have the coalport and the crown on them, they also have a ‘x’ mark on them. I have found one of them and identified it as DEBUTANTE OF THE YEAR 1996~ CINDERELLA’S BALL but on the named one the roses on the chest are pink and on my un named one they are white. Any idea what they could be and why they are not named?
Hi I have a cup and saucer, white with what looks like raspberrys on the out side of the cup/saucer and one picture of a apple and pear inside the cup. Both have a gold rim. The stamp on the bottom of the cup is a crown with bone China on either side, made in England EST 1720 ( I think) T.Goode & co Ltd.London. The cup has gold mark 5 and the saucer 6, the rest of the stamp/marks is in blue.
Can you please tell me a little about this as I can find nothing like on the net.
Thank you for your time
hi, I have a coalport china elephant with 7 flowers on its back in a basket, it has black dots for eyes and the coalport stamp is on the sole of its foot. The stamp is the crown with coalport at the top and made in England almost at the bottom. I cant seem to find any information on this elephant. any info greatly appreciated as it belonged to my great grandmother
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